NBC5 Special Report Inverviews Balough On Privacy

An NBC5 Chicago Special Report on the City of Chicago’s use of cameras that keep track of everyday public movements included an interview with Richard C. Balough as an expert on privacy law.

Entitled “What’s on Tape? Chicago Using New Camera Technology,” the special report by Anna Davlantes explored the technology and legal implications of Chicago’s use of state-of-the-art cameras equipped with features such as sound and motion detectors, 360-degree pans, tilt and zoom and night vision that are being deployed throughout the city. The cameras are being set up in high crime areas. The report said the city is experimenting with software that detects sound and movement, suspicious behavior and face recognition.

In the interview, Balough noted that the cameras were but one more example of where privacy has been eroded. Where technology is being combined with law enforcement, he cautioned that it must be tempered with the Constitution’s requirements concerning legal search and seizures.