Do We Really Need the Charmin BRB Bot?

(May 5, 2021)  You may be relieved to learn about the latest app for your Zoom calls.

Charmin, yes, Charmin, has introduced its prototype “BRB Bot.” The company says the app will keep you logged in by creating a digital twin that swaps your live video feed with an AI-powered version of yourself.

The purpose of the app? Charmin’s press release explained: “Over the past year, the world around us has gone almost completely digital. And yet, it’s tougher than ever to do your ‘business’ without interrupting your business. While you are on the throne, BRB Bot listens and responds as if you are still on the video call and features a range of realistic human reactions, such as laughing at your boss’ terrible jokes, looking thoughtfully into the distance, pretending to search for the unmute button and much more.”

The bot accesses the camera feed on your computer and uses machine learning natural language processing and tone analysis to listen to video calls and serve up the appropriate reactions in real-time. Click here to see the bot in action. The press release did not mention where the personal information would be stored, who has access, or any privacy issues.

The beta-only bot does not have a scheduled release date.