Update on Sign Permits in Chicago

Effective January 1st, Chicago businesses are no longer required to obtain a permit for simple window signs covering less than 25% of the window. This update is good news for small business owners.

In general, permits are required for all on-premises signs, but the following exceptions now apply:

  • A temporary on-premise sign constructed wholly from paper, fabric, vinyl, or similar materials and attached to a window for no more than 60 days, provided that the total area of all signage in a single window does not exceed 25% of the glazing area of that.
  • An on-premise sign painted directly onto the window or made of plastic film or similar material and fully adhered to the window by means of adhesive or static cling for any duration, provided that the total area of all signage in a single window does not exceed 25% of the glazing area of that window.
  • Lettering that is painted directly onto the glass of a window and less than 2 inches in height will not be counted in the calculation of the 25% if it is an on-premises sign.

If your signs do not fit one of these exceptions, you will need a sign permit. You can complete your own sign permit applications online by visiting the City of Chicago website to create an account and submit a permit application.

Balough Law Offices, LLC assists small businesses with general business legal concerns, including, contracts, registration, and protecting intellectual property. Please call us at 312.499.0000 or contact us here.